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alien a resident of a country who is not a citizen of that country. [6 definitions]
clean not dirty or stained; unsoiled. [12 definitions]
e'en contracted form of "even" (used chiefly in literature). [2 definitions]
élan enthusiasm or vigor. [2 definitions]
eolian of sand or rock matter, carried, produced, or formed by the wind.
euglena any of various freshwater flagellates of the genus Euglena, characterized by a single flagellum, light-sensitive eyespot, and usually bright green coloring.
glean to gather or discover (facts, information, or the like) a little at a time. [4 definitions]
Helena the capital of Montana.
lean1 to bend or incline. [7 definitions]
lean2 of humans and animals, having little extra fat on the body. [5 definitions]
Luna in Roman mythology, the goddess of the moon; Selene.
olein the liquid triglyceride of oleic acid, occurring in most fats and oils and as the major component of olive oil. [2 definitions]
plenum a space that encloses a volume of gas at greater pressure than exists outside the space, or the state of the gas thus enclosed. [3 definitions]
ulna the bone of the human forearm that is on the side opposite the thumb. [2 definitions]